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 bands 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Bands of outlaws lived in the desolate mountains after breaking the laws.
  2. Bands of soldiers ravaged the village.

  1. In coastal Salvador, 1,120 miles northeast of Brazil, millions of costumed revelers packed city squares and streets to dance to highly-amplified samba bands perched atop lavishly decorated trucks.
  2. While the dollar moved in ranges of more than two pfennigs and one yen yesterday, the intraday bands were more digestible than Tuesday's swings of five pfennigs and two yen.
  3. He conceded: "It's kind of strange that I'm here on Dodger Day." Marching bands also participated in the Dodger Day ceremony, featured on five Los Angeles television stations.
  4. For several years Cuban bands and musicians such as Irakere, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Arturo Sandoval and Paquito D'Rivera have visited Britain and Europe.
  5. You connect bands with parades.
  6. Shareholders will rock to the live music of Richie Havens, Livingston Taylor, Toots & the Maytals and a dozen other bands.
  7. Wrap your wallet in rubber bands _ that makes it much harder to slip out of the pocket, suggests the American Express Company.
  8. If those steps aren't successful, a nation can request a realignment of the bands.
  9. Aggressive cuts by France may even have contributed to the crisis which forced apart the exchange rate mechanism's bands on August 2.
  10. Artifacts, recordings, button box accordions and items honoring individuals and bands will be on display, he said.
  11. "We all loved heavy rock bands from the 1970s: Black Sabbath, AC-DC.
  12. Pallbearers placed the coffin on a horse-drawn cart drapped in black, and the soldiers donned black arm bands before starting a milelong procession from Bloody Lane to the cemetery.
  13. Today's forecast called for showers over parts of Washington, Wyoming, North Dakota and Minnesota, and thunderstorms in bands from Wisconsin through Iowa, Illinois through Arksansas and along the southeastern coast of Texas.
  14. Vertical yellow bands link arch to deck.
  15. The violence started Friday night in Hyderabad, 100 miles northeast of Karachi, when marauding bands of native Sindhis sprayed gunfire in about 30 neighborhoods of Mohajirs, Indian Moslems who migrated to Pakistan after partition in 1947, witnesses said.
  16. Goossens played and recorded for many top orchestras and bands, including Jack Hylton's jazz orchestra at London's plush Kit Kat Club.
  17. Aretha Franklin watched with detachment while guests dined on smoked salmon, fresh fruit and chocolate fondue, and danced to the music of two bands.
  18. Police fought armed bands in the capital and hungry mobs in Rosario on Tuesday, and the death toll reached 11. Officials talked of handing out free food to stop looting sparked by soaring inflation.
  19. However, the nine bands in the parade marched only one block of the 10-block route, just enough for the TV cameras, and instrument mouthpieces were taped so they wouldn't freeze to players' lips.
  20. At their gigs, these bands play the arrangements of the original crews, but there is often a rather eerie air of unreality to it all.
  21. But Japan's well-orchestrated bands share little of the legitimacy of the arbitragers who prowl Wall Street.
  22. Soviet officers and Berlin legislators laid wreaths before the memorial and bands played the national anthems of the Soviet Union and Germany.
  23. "The activity of armed opposition bands has been sharply increasing," said Lt.
  24. From September, buildings cover will cost up to 4.45 per cent more for homes in two ratings bands, the same in one band, and less in four.
  25. The pickets have tried to rally support by warning that musicians who fill the city's symphony and small jazz bands may be forced to leave town to find work, leaving a cultural void in the city.
  26. Radio Times is primarily an excuse to revive some of that Light Programme music, with biggish bands, jaunty and sentimental songs, corny and sometimes risque jokes.
  27. Mortgage, Asset-Backed Securities Mortgage securities ended unchanged after trading in narrow bands.
  28. The school bands and always, always, the rows of spangled cheerleaders on the stage with pompons, make for a colorful rally _ to be seen by the millions more who watch snippets of the events on the local evening television news.
  29. The recall was sparked by critics of Indian spearfishing, a right federal courts have said the state's six Chippewa bands retained in 19th-century treaties with the U.S. government.
  30. Fireworks, parades and concerts by military bands also are planned in Dunkirk, but the centerpiece of the commemoration will be the arrival of the so-called Little Ships.
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