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 bandoleer [`bændə'lɪr]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 子弹带

    [ noun ]
    a broad cartridge belt worn over the shoulder by soldiers

    Bandoleer \Ban`do*leer"\, Bandolier \Ban`do*lier"\, n. [F.
    bandouli[`e]re (cf. It. bandoliera, Sp. bandolera), fr. F.
    bande band, Sp. & It. banda. See {Band}, n.]
    1. A broad leather belt formerly worn by soldiers over the
    right shoulder and across the breast under the left arm.
    Originally it was used for supporting the musket and
    twelve cases for charges, but later only as a cartridge

    2. One of the leather or wooden cases in which the charges of
    powder were carried. [Obs.]

    1. A gnarled man wore a shiny black bandoleer and waved a World War I-era bolt-action Enfield rifle.
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