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 armadillos 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. [动]犰狳(armadillo的复数)

  1. Ben: Whales, platapusses and armadillos don't get lice.
  2. Armadillos aren't the only creatures who rely on gravity to get the ball rolling.
  3. and a pair of Brazilian archaeologists who determined armadillos can change the course of history.

Armadillo \Ar`ma*dil"lo\ ([aum]r`m[.a]*d[i^]l"l[-o]), n.; pl.
{Armadillos} (-l[=o]z). [Sp. armadillo, dim. of armado armed,
p. p. of armar to arm. So called from being armed with a bony
shell.] (Zo["o]l.)
(a) Any edentate animal if the family {Dasypid[ae]},
peculiar to America. The body and head are incased in
an armor composed of small bony plates. The armadillos
burrow in the earth, seldom going abroad except at
night. When attacked, they curl up into a ball,
presenting the armor on all sides. Their flesh is good
food. There are several species, one of which (the
peba) is found as far north as Texas. See {Peba},
{Poyou}, {Tatouay}.
(b) A genus of small isopod Crustacea that can roll
themselves into a ball.

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