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 appropriation [әprәupri'eiʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 拨用, 挪用, 拨款

[经] 拨款, 挪用

  1. He made an appropriation of USD20, 000 for payment of debts.
  2. He was accused for appropriation.
  3. The Senate started on the right fool. In1986, it limited its franking budget to half the total appropriation for both chambers. That seemed fair because the100 senators represent the same total number of constituents as the435

[ noun ]
  1. money set aside (as by a legislature) for a specific purpose

  2. <noun.possession>
  3. incorporation by joining or uniting

  4. <noun.act>
  5. a deliberate act of acquisition of something, often without the permission of the owner

  6. <noun.act>
    the necessary funds were obtained by the government's appropriation of the company's operating unit
    a person's appropriation of property belonging to another is dishonest

Appropriation \Ap*pro`pri*a"tion\, n. [L. appropriatio: cf. F.
1. The act of setting apart or assigning to a particular use
or person, or of taking to one's self, in exclusion of all
others; application to a special use or purpose, as of a
piece of ground for a park, or of money to carry out some

2. Anything, especially money, thus set apart.

The Commons watched carefully over the
appropriation. --Macaulay.

3. (Law)
(a) The severing or sequestering of a benefice to the
perpetual use of a spiritual corporation. Blackstone.
(b) The application of payment of money by a debtor to his
creditor, to one of several debts which are due from
the former to the latter. --Chitty.

  1. The House education and labor committee approved a measure by Rep. Tony Hall, D-Ohio, to let states borrow a greater amount of next year's WIC appropriation to cover current shortages.
  2. Bush has proposed a $20 million appropriation.
  3. If not for a recent $1 million state appropriation, the symphony already would have closed.
  4. The House voted to spend $57.6 billion to fund the Department of Housing and Urban Development and 16 other agencies for fiscal year 1988, an appropriation that far exceeds the Reagan administration's proposal.
  5. That figure is a compromise between the Senate, which approved an open-ended appropriation, and the House, which sought to limit reimbursements to $6.8 billion.
  6. The 1990 appropriation is $2.13 billion, serving about 4.6 million women and children, said Watkins.
  7. Sergei Shutov shares a room with David Salle, whose work his resembles so much that you might say he has "appropriated" the master of "appropriation." Yurii Albert confronts the issue of influence in an even more blatant way.
  8. That this should be so is, in the circumstances, remarkable - a true feat of imaginative appropriation on the artist's part.
  9. It would impose a two-year budget cycle with two-year appropriation bills, limit the use of catchall spending bills and enhance the president's authority to rescind government appropriations.
  10. This year's appropriation was $171 million after funds were sequestered for the Gramm-Rudman budget-balancing bill.
  11. That appropriation is 4 percent, or $2.4 billion, more than the current level and 2 percent, or $1 billion, more than the Reagan administration had requested.
  12. So, in 1985, he began a two-year crusade that resulted in the appropriation last year of $1.9 million for the design of the $50 million project.
  13. President Bush last week signed a defense appropriation bill that did not include funding for the SR-71. Defense Secretary Richard Cheney and other top Pentagon officials had advocated dropping the program.
  14. The U.S. share of the initial appropriation will be $10.9 million.
  15. The appropriations bill contains $3.7 billion for Star Wars, and a separate appropriation measure for the Energy Department included another $300 million for related research.
  16. Without the waiver, the Pentagon would have had to go through a lengthy process of requesting authorization from Congress for each construction project and then seeking an appropriation from lawmakers to finance it.
  17. The one-year moratorium was part of the $11 billion Interior Department appropriation bill, which was approved 374-49. There was no separate vote on the oil leasing provision.
  18. His amendment was offered to a $5.8 billion appropriation bill for running the State, Justice, and Commerce Departments next year, including $800 million for carrying out the 1990 census.
  19. In Kendall, the court determined that the executive powers of the president provided in Article II of the Constitution did not permit the president to impound a specific appropriation that would require no presidential discretion to administer.
  20. The emergency appropriation for the drug war is scheduled to be debated Wednesday by the House.
  21. The agency's budget this year is $587 million and a $13 million supplemental appropriation is pending in Congress.
  22. In April 1986, the state received an estimate that the property was worth $8.7 million; in June Governor Dukakis announced plans to seek a $10 million appropriation to buy the site.
  23. The debate over the stealth bomber appropriation is scheduled to reach the House floor this week as members consider amendments that range from gutting the program to less crippling reductions in funding.
  24. The supplemental appropriation measure for Panama likely will be an attractive target for lawmakers looking for a must-pass vehicle for other pet proposals.
  25. A $95 million appropriation for such efforts was recently signed into law, and mutual-housing advocates hope to get 10% of that total.
  26. The proposal, which would postpone action on the larger appropriation until after the November election, was raised by Treasury Undersecretary Robert R. Glauber.
  27. This year's appropriation will go toward safety analysis, environmental planning and reactor design, he said.
  28. Despite sharp criticism from the scientific community, university officials steadfastly have defended the experiments to the council, which is charged with deciding whether to disburse a $5 million legislative appropriation toward further research.
  29. Although the FDA regulates 25% of the nation's gross national product, its fiscal 1990 appropriation is a comparatively small $601 million.
  30. But if foreign solons find their way to his office, Mr. Kane says, "there's no way I can tell the Egyptians that last year's appropriation process is one they ought to copy."
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