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 applications 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Studies have been made of reactor powered railway engines and hovercrafts, but these applications are generally regarded as marginal at best.
  2. We received 400 applications for the job.
    对这份工作, 我们接到400人的申请.

  1. Mr. Adelizzi declined to discuss reasons for the timing of Home Federal's applications, but said the moves put Home Federal "in the best position to remain flexible for the future."
  2. In Spain, U.S. officials reported a 60 percent to 70 percent rise in the number of visa applications, and in the Netherlands they said it was up 38 percent in the last five months.
  3. At the Port Isabel Service Processing Center, where an influx of asylum applicants was expected, giant tents were pitched to house detainees and dozens of typewriters were shipped to process applications.
  4. The Nov. 16 letter, parts of which were obtained by The Associated Press, said most of the export applications were referred to expert opinions at the State, Defense and Energy departments.
  5. All of the Western firms sent letters of welcome said they would proceed with their applications, despite the high costs of setting up a Korean branch.
  6. Lewis Grotke, NSF assistant general counsel, said the agency would consider the petition but is under no legal obligation to act. The agency, he said, has tried to develop a fair system to review grant applications.
  7. For example, the PC running Windows applications software will be a familiar front-end for many business and personal computer users.
  8. The INS began ruling on applications the day they were filed.
  9. Other applications for such beams would include high-speed X-ray photography, welding, studying the effects of rapid heating and simulating the effects of nuclear bursts, the scientists said.
  10. The Humor Project has received a grant from the Humana Hospital Corp. in Orlando, Fla., to focus on the medical implications and applications of humor.
  11. Taro Vit also said the unit has submitted eight abbreviated new drug applications for U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval, with sales potential of more than $20 million a year.
  12. We hoped to receive 40 applications.
  13. At the same time, Vicon said it granted Chugai the exclusive right to sell Vicon's video products, which are used in security and control applications, in Japan.
  14. 'We're trying to develop applications sitting down.'
  15. Use of hypnosis in fighting immune-related disease is among the most recent applications of the practice, which became popular in the late 18th century through the work of the Austrian physician Franz Mesmer.
  16. The potential value of off-label applications is unquestioned.
  17. Until 1981, the government generally released aliens on "parole" pending hearings on their applications for official admission to the country.
  18. That's just one of dozens of applications for the technology, say binary-optics researchers.
  19. AT&T's Olivetti troubles added further intrigue to its news conference yesterday with Sun Microsystems, where the new software, called Open Look, was demonstrated amid Unix endorsements by a variety of applications software companies and computer makers.
  20. Though the company may be willing to write applications for other standards, "I don't believe you have to come up with a new operating system to succeed in this business," says Jeff Raikes, who runs Microsoft's word-processing division.
  21. In the past, its meetings have been open to the public except for sessions devoted to reviewing grant applications recommended by the NEA's panels of outside arts experts on theater, dance, music and other disciplines.
  22. Mugabe also pledged less state interference in business affairs and set up a "one-stop center" to approve investment applications within a maximum of 90 days.
  23. That is comparable to what some customers have done on their own already, by assembling a cluster of RS/6000 machines to tackle supercomputing applications, such as complex design or the modeling of weather systems.
  24. Mr. LaBant said the AS/400 is now price-competitive with personal computers and workstations for applications using a "server" computer and as few as four terminals.
  25. Before the protests, minority applications were up 7 percent over last year, Healy said.
  26. In the 12 months since the program began, the Houston office became the nation's busiest single center, with applications expected to top 110,000, officials said.
  27. Texas Instruments Inc. and Apple Computer Inc. introduced a computer for artificial intelligence applications.
  28. The discovery brought energy-saving practical applications within closer range.
  29. NRC Chairman Carr noted that there are no new applications for nuclear plants before the commission and an NRC spokesman said the last request was filed in 1978.
  30. Spring admissions applications sank 11% and only ardent courting of wavering applicants headed off a student shortage this fall.
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