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 airwaves   添加此单词到默认生词本

    airwaves \air"waves\ n. pl.
    the medium of transmission of signals by radio or television
    stations; by radio transmission; -- used non-technically; as,
    over the airwaves, i. e. by radio or television.

    1. Dick Tracy has a gang of funny-faced bad guys on the run in movie theaters and Bart Simpson rules television airwaves and T-shirt sales, but the summer belongs to Spider-Man for comic book fans.
    2. So far, the contest has been fought through traditional ads and letters to shareholders, but with Monday's shareholder meeting fast approaching, Mr. Icahn has taken his fight to the airwaves.
    3. As a result, all the parties took the lion's share of their campaigns to the airwaves.
    4. Democratic underdog Michael Dukakis is all over the airwaves in an unprecedented blitz of television interviews that analysts say can't hurt him but probably won't sway enough voters to win him the presidency.
    5. For instance, they simply flooded the airwaves with many new transmission sources and much new traffic, both phony and real, overwhelming American and British intelligence-processing capacities.
    6. Never in the history of modern warfare has such a brilliantly conceived plan been so well executed, and the opposition so thoroughly whipped. The generals also totally dominated the agenda of the airwaves.
    7. "In the United States we built our communications systems upside down, using airwaves for TV and wires for telephones, whereas it should be the other way around."
    8. And the party's radio and television holdings give it more control over the Taiwan airwaves than the government itself.
    9. Mernick sold the equipment at a bargain, Johnson said, helping the ministry to stay on the airwaves.
    10. Thursday's ruling broadens the portion of the airwaves these devices can use, while in some cases tightening emissions standards to prevent interference with other radio services.
    11. Female correspondents increased their visibility last year on the major network evening news programs, but male reporters still dominated the airwaves, a study says.
    12. Captain Rostron.' The signals flying through the airwaves created total confusion for the press.
    13. But some photo-industry observers say Kodak had it banned from the airwaves by buying huge slots of commercial time on the network that televised the games.
    14. The new package has so little support among conservatives, in fact, that Bush had to take to the airwaves Tuesday night in an address to the nation largely designed to pick up GOP votes in Congress.
    15. I say, ask all the Chinese people and then decide." All he wants is provide an alternative to the Communist Party voice that has filled the airwaves and newspapers since June with relentless condemnation of the democracy movement.
    16. Jackson's music videos have appeared on Soviet television, and his Pepsi commercials hit the airwaves in mid-May during broadcast of a five-part series on the United States.
    17. In this drought-scorched summer, the press and airwaves are full of discussions of the "greenhouse effect," a much-feared warming of the planet as its polluted atmosphere traps more and more of the sun's heat.
    18. The booming cellular phone industry has settled on a transmission standard for the future that should keep the airwaves from getting clogged with busy signals.
    19. The fact is, Madonna knows how to make ear-catching pop music. This is not high art, but neither is it the pasteurized processed music substitute that fills the airwaves of radio stations with such names like as 101.
    20. D.J. Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince have sold 2.5 million copies of their latest album, and the hot rap duo can be heard all over the radio and television airwaves.
    21. We all have to pull together." Calling home was impossible, so hundreds of people took to the airwaves.
    22. Be it the original "Batman" series, the "Odd Couple," "Star Trek" or "Dallas," U.S. programs pervade the airwaves and European politicians and artists are rallying against them.
    23. Scott thinks whoever heard the number on the airwaves quickly sold it or allowed friends to use it.
    24. The justices, in a 5-4 vote released Wednesday, ruled that Federal Communications Commission policies designed to bring diversity to the nation's airwaves do not violate the rights of white people.
    25. He said his approach isn't inconsistent with the notion that the airwaves belong to the public.
    26. John Chancellor, one of those engaging veterans of the airwaves, offered a bit of commentary during the Democratic Convention to the effect that whoever is elected President will have to raise taxes, because "the government needs more revenues."
    27. The television bill is part of a long sought law to regulate the country's public and private airwaves.
    28. Former Rep. Pat Swindall hit the airwaves a few hours after he was sentenced to a year in prison and tried to convince skeptical listeners he deserves a new trial to reverse his perjury conviction.
    29. Big Ben's chimes, which traditionally announce the queen's Christmas Day message and ring in the New Year, might not make it onto BBC airwaves this time around.
    30. Gore spent a lot of money in New Hampshire but not a lot of time, and he departed the state for much of the final week while his competitors dominated the airwaves.
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