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 airplane ['єәplein]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 飞机

[机] 飞机

  1. The airplane is airworthy.
  2. The airplane was attacked by dropping bombs.
  3. The airplane ascended higher and higher.

[ noun ]
an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets
the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane

aeroplane \aer"*o*plane`\ aeroplane \a"["e]r*o*plane`\, n.
[a["e]ro- + plane.] (A["e]ronautics)
1. A light rigid plane used in a["e]rial navigation to oppose
sudden upward or downward movement in the air, as in
gliding machines; specif., such a plane slightly inclined
and driven forward as a lifting device in some flying
machines. Also called {airfoil}.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. hence, a heavier-than-air flying machine using such a
device to provide lift. In a modern aeroplane, the
airfoils are called the {wings}, and most of the lift is
derived from these surfaces. In contrast to helicopters,
the wings are fixed to the passenger compartment
(airframe) and do not move relative to the frame; thus
such a machine is called a {fixed-wing aircraft}. These
machines are called monoplanes, biplanes, triplanes, or
quadruplanes, according to the number of main supporting
planes (wings) used in their construction. After 1940 few
planes with more than one airfoil were constructed, and
these are used by hobbyists or for special purposes. Being
heavier than air they depend for their levitation on
motion imparted by the thrust from either propellers
driven by an engine, or, in a jet plane, by the reaction
from a high-velocity stream of gases expelled rearward
from a jet engine. They start from the ground by a run on
small wheels or runners, and are guided by a steering
apparatus consisting of horizontal and vertical movable
planes, which usually form part of the wings or tail.
There are many varieties of form and construction, which
in some cases are known by the names of their inventors.
In U.S., an aeroplane is usually called an {airplane} or
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

airplane \air"plane\ n.
a heavier-than-air aircraft. Same as {{aeroplane[2]}}.

  1. The airplane enthusiast was riding a bicycle after renewing his membership at the Experimental Aircraft Association Tuesday when he lost his wallet.
  2. "On the other hand, there is always that fear" of military airplane crashes.
  3. But the crew managed to guide the airplane to a crash landing at Sioux Gateway Airport in Sioux City, where emergency equipment and medics were waiting.
  4. "I've had some very close calls," he said. "I had a head-on collision with an airplane on my last film.
  5. One man was handcuffed and all passengers were removed from a Continental airplane awaiting takeoff from LaGuardia Airport on Thursday in what turned out to be a groundless threat, authorities said.
  6. "There's no perfect airplane," Carnell said. "A company will have one plane, maybe a Beech King Air.
  7. In the course of the 20th century, war transformed the airplane from a sportsman's curiosity into a social, economic and military force; changed the atom from an element of theory to a threat; and made radar and computers familiar parts of modern life.
  8. The plate was then kept cold until the airplane could return to the ground and the snow crystals were photographed.
  9. Closely held Rice Aircraft Inc. and its chief executive officer admitted to refinishing surplus airplane parts and then passing them off as factory-fresh.
  10. A woman who gave birth in an airplane bathroom and stuffed the infant in a wastebasket won't go to jail until December because she is expecting another baby soon, officials said.
  11. This guy would not only tell me what airplanes to use, he would tell me who was going to be on the airplane.
  12. A West German company is seeking to resell the Cessna airplane that pilot Mathias Rust landed in Moscow's Red Square a year ago, a Hamburg sports flying club official said today.
  13. "Rutan's airplane is not under our consideration," says Lt.
  14. My heavens," Bush said. "It is magnificent." Some of the stewards chided reporters not to scuff up the new airplane.
  15. "We didn't find anything unexpected," said Gamble, adding that some small cracks were found in the airplane after the test, but they were easily fixed.
  16. Authorities gave this account of the incident that occurred Sunday: Police detained Garcia Ramirez and Jesus Antonio Hurtado Burgos when they met the pilot and co-pilot of a Turbo Commander airplane that arrived from Cali, Colombia.
  17. In fact, the airplane buffs were 2,000 feet off the ground when they exchanged wedding vows Saturday in a Piper 310.
  18. That accident over Hawaii and other recent structural failures have focused public attention on the age of America's airplane fleet, currently estimated to average about 12.7 years.
  19. You look another 60 feet, and he'd have been in the street." Kauffman said police officers Craig Garwood and Alex Sywak saw the airplane shortly before it crashed.
  20. Small planes entering restricted airspace near airports are required to get tower permission and to carry transponders, which produce a signal to display airplane identification on radar screens.
  21. "If it hadn't been for them there's no doubt the child would have perished," Ingram said. "It was a heroic effort." Bass said he was spraying the burning plane with a fire extinguisher when he heard a child's cry come from inside the airplane.
  22. A Japanese teen-ager was arrested after he tried to sneak explosives, a dismantled rifle, a pellet gun and dummy hand grenades aboard an airplane, authorities said.
  23. The plane had just fueled and reportedly was taking off for Myrtle Beach, S.C., when it crashed through the roof of the plant, a three-building complex that manufactures airplane seat covers, officials said.
  24. The dollar was slightly higher in quiet European trading today, but below the highs reached in the Far East following the U.S. Navy's downing of a civilian Iranian airplane in the Persian Gulf.
  25. The airplane's crew, Casey testified, had been told the cargo was spare parts for the oil drilling fields in Tehran.
  26. Nina Rust rode an elephant and an airplane on previous birthdays, but this year she took it easy.
  27. On her return home, her first meal, of all things, was airplane food.
  28. The Communist Party newspaper published an account Thursday of how Todor Zhivkov, the undisputed leader for 35 years, ignored an airplane disaster that occurred as his craft was preparing for takeoff.
  29. She said that during a stop in Algiers, the hijackers said they would start killing Americans if the airplane was not refueled.
  30. "I have no hesitation about flying the airplane," says Harold Gay, a pilot at Pan American World Airways, which is to receive the first of its 16 A-320s next summer.
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