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 黑珍珠 [hēi zhēn zhū添加此单词到默认生词本
[宝] black pearl

  1. 受迪斯尼的一个主题公园的启发所创作的《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒》上映。
    Release of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, inspired by a Disney theme park ride.
  2. 就在我们的旅程几近成功结尾之时,一天斯纳来问我是否愿意去探访一下黑珍珠养殖场。
    After we had been on a particularly successful fishing expedition one day, Cina asked whether we wanted to visit a black pearl farm.
  3. 例如广为人知的黑珍珠,自古以来在南太平洋法属波利尼西亚塔希提岛上土生土长的珍珠
    Commonly known around the world as black pearls, the pearls of Tahiti are indigenous to the remote lagoons of French Polynesia in the South Pacific.

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