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 饥肠辘辘 [jī cháng lù lù添加此单词到默认生词本
be so hungry that the stomach is beginning to gurgle
One's belly was rumbling (with hunger).
One's inside rumbled for want of food.
One's stomach cried out for food.

  1. 这三个面色苍白、饥肠辘辘的男孩们看到了他们的老师时,真是前所未有的高兴。
    Never had the three pale, hungry boys been so glad to see their teacher.
  2. 为什麽每写完一篇专栏文章后,我就会觉得饥肠辘辘?我曾经百思不解,而今有了解答。
    Why am I so hungry after writing one of these columns? I have often wondered. Now comes an answer.
  3. 美国飞行员喜欢用小降落伞给守候在机场旁边的那些饥肠辘辘的孩子们投下些糖果作为私人礼物。
    American pilots liked to drop sweets in little parachutes as a personal gift to the hungry children waiting at the airport's edge.

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