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 铌铁 添加此单词到默认生词本
[材] ferroniobium

  1. 推荐的分选工艺是一段反浮将萤石选出,然后两段磁选将铌铁金红石与赤矿分离。
    The recommended separating technology is 1-stage reverse floatation for the fluorite separation and 2-stage magnetic separation for ilmenorutile recovery by elimination of hematite.
  2. 国际市场铌铁价格的长期稳定使微合金化技术成为钢工业持续稳定发展的重要伙伴,是保持含高强度钢技术创新和使用的动力。
    The exceptionally rich resource of niobium and its stable price has made the use of Nb attractive and predictable for the flourishing development of Nb as a microalloying element in steels.
  3. 铌铁生产的地缘不平衡性和供给的高度垄断性以及资源充足、供大于求、价格相对稳定是世界铌铁供求的两大特点。
    In FeNb production, unevenness of geography, high monopoly of supply and sufficient resources, supply exceeding demand, relatively stable price are two big characteristics of world FeNb supply-demand.

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