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 通量曲线 添加此单词到默认生词本
flux curve

  1. 很好,如果我们想做这样的一件事,我需要计算沿着一条闭曲线通量,但又不想去计算。
    That is all pretty good.Let me tell you now what if I have to compute flux along a closed curve and I don't want to compute it.
  2. 在清洗过程中为了同一度量,拟合出了温度-通量校正曲线和高锰酸钾标准浓度曲线
    In the process of research, the temperature-flux rectifying curve and the standard concentration—absorbency curve are fitted to unify the experiment data.
  3. 提出利用放大器的增益通量曲线来全面描述放大器增益特性的方法。
    This paper discusses a method of characterizing the gain of the laser pulse amplifier using its gain fluence curves, and studies gain fluence curves of a single amplifier.

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