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 行驶速度 添加此单词到默认生词本
ground speed
running speed

  1. 一个安全的无线连接装置,把车辆的行驶速度、电池寿命以及其他关联信息一并传送可以手控的仪表板上。
    Speed, battery life, and other connectivity information are all conveyed over a secure wireless connection to a handheld device that can be mounted on the dash.
  2. 那些著名的中微子行驶速度似乎比光还快,在最近的实验中可能没有再见到,一群科学家说,因为它们未能发出报警类型的辐射。
    Those famous neutrinos that appeared to travel faster than light in a recent experiment probably did not, a group of scientists say, because they failed to emit a telltale type of radiation.
  3. 他补充说“火车驾驶员必须不断调整行驶速度、检查信号和对接点。”
    "Train drivers have to constantly adjust their speeds and check signals and junctions, " he added.

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