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 菲律宾化 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 大赛组委会希望这次选美大赛为菲律宾宣传气候暖的危险迈进了一大步。
    The competiton organisers hope the pageant will be a major step forward in promoting awareness of the dangers of global warming.
  2. 本文认为,独裁阴影下政府能力的滑坡和“弱社会”的结构冲突严重并趋向碎片,导致了今天菲律宾持续而严重的政治危机。
    Under the shadow of dictatorial, the ability of the government become weak, and the "weak society" conflict seriously and become fragmentized, all of which have caused the serious political crisis in Philippines.
  3. 摘要本文考察与分析了20世纪初期基督教在菲律宾传播的政治宗教因素,指出基督教在菲律宾的迅速扩张,一方面归因于美国在菲律宾推行的带有浓厚道德理想主义色彩的新殖民主义政策,另一方面也离不开19世纪以来基督教海外传播运动所倡导与实践的“三自”传教策略与教会本色方针。
    This paper examines briefly the factors pushing Protestantism mission in the Philippines in early 20(superscript th) century ecumenically and politically pointing out that the success of American Protestant Church in the Philippine islands was inextricably related, on the one hand, to Protestant Ecumenicalism and American neo-colonialist policy that focused on "democracy foreign policy" and on the other, to the implementation of "self-governing" "self-preaching" and "self-maintaining" thinking and policy of Church localization.

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