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 统购 [tǒng gòu添加此单词到默认生词本
(of the state) monopolize the purchase (of grain cotton etc.)

  1. 第一阶段是国家对粮食实行统购统销制度时期;
    In the first stage, the nation carried out grain policy of unified purchase and sale.
  2. 本文拟以河南内乡县为中心,以个案分析的形式讨论统购统销制度在基层的具体运作。
    Focus on Neixiang County, Henan Province, this paper will discuss the implementation of the Procurement System in grass-roots.
  3. 在计划经济体制下,我国国有企业是指由国家统收统支、统购统销、统负盈亏的生产单位。
    In the planned economy period, the state-owned enterprises are governmental product units, whose profits and expenditures, purchases and sales, gains and losses are centralized by the government.

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