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 纳贿 [nà huì添加此单词到默认生词本
take bribes

  1. 假设你发明了你本身的同事纳贿,你会不会麻木不仁呢?。
    Suppose you found out that your colleague takes bribes, would you just ignore it?
  2. 大部分媒体巨头都归黑暗势力所有,他们的记者十分脆弱,不堪外界压力的重负,还要面对招权纳贿
    Most big media outlets have murky ownership, leaving their journalists vulnerable to outside pressure and influence-peddling.
  3. Ed的故事和Don Bolles的案子有着一丝联系,Bolles是一名为共和报工作的调查记者,撰写过有关土地欺诈、贿赂、招权纳贿和暴徒联系的文章。
    Ed Lazar’s story is loosely linked to the case of Don Bolles, an investigative reporter for The Republic who wrote on land swindles, bribery, influence peddling and possible mob connections.

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