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 纳米技术 添加此单词到默认生词本
NT (Nanotechnology)

  1. 如果你认为纳米技术都是未来的事情,那就再想想。
    If you think nano technology is all in the future, think again.
  2. 所以说,纳米技术是一种研究微小物质的科学,但是,多小才算小呢?
    So nano technology is the science of the very small. But how small is small?
  3. 不用担心:你会在神经机械学和纳米技术下复活,让你能够执行一个自杀任务,去发现为什么人类殖民地不断消失。
    Not to worry: you're resurrected with cybernetics and nanotechnology so that you can go on a suicide mission to discover why colonies of humans are disappearing.

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