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 税系 [shuì xì添加此单词到默认生词本
tax system

  1. 财政司司长今日提出两项加建议,即提高葡萄酒,同埋减低烟酒的免额。
    Two tax increase proposals were mentioned in today's Budget, which were to increase the duty rate on wine, and to cut the quantities of duty-free tobacco and alcoholic beverages.
  2. 所有根据本合约付给作者的版,均不包含「附加值」(即「附加值」由另外一方,即出版商支付),而此「附加值」的支付,由作者提供「附加值发票」或他的「附加值」注册号码给出版商,而由出版商在支付版时,根据当时的汇率另行向务机关支付。
    All sums payable to the Proprietor under this agreement are exclusive of VAT which shall where applicable be paid in addition at the rate in force at the due time for payment subject to the Proprietor either supplying a VAT invoice to the Publisher or informing the Publisher of its VAT registration number.
  3. 当该钢铁搭建之房屋为稽徵机关查获依法通知应课徵房屋时,往往引起民众不悦,认为仅简单搭建之钢铁架房屋,为何要核课房屋捐处特别提出说明。
    When the steel structures of the housing Collection agency broke the law should impose the tax notice, often led people unhappy that only the steel structures of the simple-housing, why should nuclear Course housing tax, taxes, in particular note.

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