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 短波辐射 添加此单词到默认生词本
[气象] shortwave radiation

  1. 在不计扰动的情况下,在具有年周期的太阳短波辐射的作用下,逐渐建立起下垫面纬圈平均温度梯度及基本气流。
    In the absence of disturbances the surface temperature and basic currents are gradually set up by the excitement of solar radiation with an annual period.
  2. 白天, 高云和气溶胶减少到达地面的太阳短波辐射, 导致低层温度降低, 地表降温达1.3 K。
    During the daytime, the combined action of high cloud and aerosol decreases the short wave radiation and results in surface temperature decrease of 1.3 K.
  3. 研究表明,云凝结量的次网格水平分布对地面接收的短波辐射和大气顶出射长波辐射通量有明显影响,但短波辐射和长波辐射对云结构的敏感区域有所不同。
    Results show that sub-grid distribution of cloud condensate has obvious effect on downwelling shortwave radiation and out-going longwave radiation, with different sensitive domains from each other.

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