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 电动机械 [diàn dòng jī xiè添加此单词到默认生词本
motor machine

  1. 摘要描述了自治水下机器人搭载的三功能水下电动机械手的设计。
    The design of a three-function electric manipulator to be equipped for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is described at first.
  2. 并励电动机(机械特性)方程表明:若磁通和电压恒定,则向下倾斜的转矩/速度曲线的斜率是直接与电枢电阻成正比的。
    By increasing the resistance , the characteristic will cut zero-speed axis to give a lower , though adequate starting torque and a reasonable starting current.
  3. 摘要以异步电动机械特性曲线为基础,分析了变频调速异步电动机在拖动恒转矩负载、恒最大转矩负载、变转矩(非风机和泵类)负载、恒功率负载以及风机和泵类负载时,转差率随频率变化的规律。
    Based on the torque-speed characteristic curve of induction motors, analyses were done on changes in slip with an variation in frequency when an induction motor drives different kinds of loads, including those with constant torque, constant-maximum torque, variable torque (except fans and pumps) and constant power, as well as fans and pumps, The formulas to calculate the slip and the speed under different frequencies and loads were presented.

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