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 滞火剂 [zhì huǒ jì添加此单词到默认生词本
[助剂] retardant

  1. 这种滞火剂易于配制和便于工业利用。
    Besides, it is convenient for preparing the Fire-retardant composition and industrial utilization.
  2. 研究由双氰胺、磷酸和硼酸组成的滞火剂配方及其滞火性能。
    This paper is concerned with properties of Fire-retardant and its composition of DPB which include Dicyandiamide, Phosphoric acid and Boric acid.
  3. 研究由双氰胺、磷酸和硼酸组成的滞火剂配方及其滞火性能。在室温和大气压下将滞火剂溶液注入木材并沉积在木材组织中。
    This paper is concerned with properties of Fire-retardant and its composition of DPB which include Dicyandiamide, Phosphoric acid and Boric acid.

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