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 沟鼠 添加此单词到默认生词本
brown rat
Norway rat
Mus norvegicus
Rattus norvegicus
Mus decumamus

  1. 如果一个繁殖季节中白鼬有充足的沟鼠和鼷为主食,它们就会生长良好,且数量会达到猖獗的程度。
    With their staple diet of rats and mice in plentiful supply in a season, stoats fed well and their numbers reached plague levels.
  2. 黑线姬体全硬蜱幼、若蜱的寄生百分率(54.5%)和花体森林革蜱幼、若蜱的寄生指数(17.8)最高。
    The parasitic rate of Ixodes persulcatus (54, 5%) on Apodemus agrarius and the parasitic index of Dermatcentor sih'artnn (17. 8) on Eulantias sibiricus are the highest.
  3. 结果:对照组大牙齿表面有散在病原菌,窝和龈内有大量病原菌或菌斑。
    RESULTS: in the control group, there were scattered pathogenic bacteria on the teeth surface and bacterial plaque and great deal pathogenic bacteria in the teeth fissure and gingival sulcus.

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