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 沃野千里 [wò yě qiān lǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
vast expanse of fertile land

  1. 巨细兴安岭与茫茫雪原,千里沃野与茂盛林海。
    With the vast XingAnLing intrusive, Trinidad and the lush snow asked ravine.
  2. 两千多年来,它一直发挥着防洪灌溉作用,使成都平原成为水旱从人、沃野千里的“天府之国”。
    For over two thousand years, it has been playing a role in the Chengdu Plain flood irrigation, as people from the flood, the vast" the land of abundance".
  3. 中部松辽平原沃野千里,土质肥沃,素有“黄金玉米带”和“黑土地之乡”的美誉。
    The Songliao Plain in the middle part has fields of fertile soil for thousands of square miles, well-known as the"golden corn belt"and"land of black soil".

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