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 概率分布收敛 添加此单词到默认生词本
convergence of probability distribution

  1. 给出了它的几个等价命题,同时还证明了独立随机变量和序列几乎处处收敛等价于依概率收敛,亦等价于依分布收敛
    This paper gaves its equivalent propositions and proves that a. s. convergence of independent random variables's sum variables is equivalent to its probability convergence, and equivalent to its weak convergence.
  2. 摘要由随机变量序列几乎处处收敛可推出其依概率收敛,进而可推出其依分布收敛,可见判别几乎处处收敛的重要性。
    Through almost sure convergence of random variables, the probability convergence can be derived; and further the weak convergence can be derived.
  3. 证明了当保单数趋于无穷多时,平均损失变量按概率收敛于某一个随机变量,推导得到了该随机变量的近似分布函数。
    It is proved that as the number of insured tends to infinity the average prospective loss random variable of this portfolio tends in probability to a certain random variable of which the approximate distribution function is derived.

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