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 核矩阵 [hé jǔ zhèn添加此单词到默认生词本
nuclear matrix

  1. 在稀疏贝叶斯学习的框架下,该算法首先以多形式自适应结合全局函数和局部函数扩展相关向量机,然后应用改进的保局投影来约简多输入矩阵的列维数以减少训练时间。
    Within the framework of sparse Bayesian learning, the algorithm extends the relevance vector machine by combining global and local kernels adaptively in the form of multiple kernels, and the improved locality preserving projection (LLP) is then applied to reduce the column dimension of the multiple kernel input matrix to achieve less training time.
  2. 文摘:提出了一种针对自学习控制的稳定性判据,应用这一稳定性判据将自学习控制器的设计转化为寻找正定离散矩阵核,从而回答了两个问题,其一什么样的量可以通过自学习叠代加以控制,其二学习叠代中什么样的滤波环节的引入不会影响学习收敛性.根据这一判据设计了一种机器人参数自学习控制律,它保证跟踪轨线全程的收敛性.
    Abstract: This paper presents a stability criterion for design iterative learning controller.From the criterion,one can change the design problem into finding a positive definite discrete matrix kernel.It has been shown that(1) what kind of variable can be controlled by the iterative learning,(2) and what kind of filter can be included into the controller.As an example,we have designed a parameter learning controller for manipulator trajectory tracking which leads to a perfect learning.
  3. 论文对目前求方法存在的问题进行了分析,提出了一种新的可区分矩阵与求方法,并证明了方法的正确性,该方法适用于任何决策表(相容的或不相容的)。
    The problem of calculating the core attributes of a dicision table is studied,a new discernibility matrix and the computation of core is put forward in this paper,and correctness of this method is proved.This method is the same with consistent and antipathic dicision tables.

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