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 木楼梯 添加此单词到默认生词本
[建] wood stair

  1. 她的房间在一所房子的侧面,要踩着晃晃悠悠的木楼梯上去。
    She had a room on the side of a house, wobbly wooden stairs leading up.
  2. 我们慢慢地,悄悄地走下木楼梯,如果发出一点响声,我们都会被发觉。
    We slowly and quietly went down the wooden stairs, any noise and we'd be detected.
  3. 我爬上木楼梯,把门推开,内面一股闷浊空气迎面扑来,我看见一排排控制杆,一个通红发光的炉子,还有一个铁道信号员正架着双腿看报纸。
    Having climbed the wooden stairs and pushed open the door, I was met by a thick fug of pipe smoke, rows of levers, a glowing stove and a signalman with his feet up reading the paper.

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