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 服务量 添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] amount of service

  1. 教师工会宣称,该学校虽使用了纳税人的钱,但没有通过聘用有资格的教师来提供足够的直接指导,也没有提供足够的家庭教育服务量
    The union alleges that the school does not provide sufficient direct instruction by certified teachers and amounts to homeschooling at taxpayers' expense.
  2. 对医疗服务量长期不足的医院采取转型、 压缩和撤并等结构调整措施。
    Hospitals with prolonged insufficient volume of service will be subject to restructuring, including transformation, scale reduction , closedown and merger with other institutions.
  3. 对于多站(多队列)循环服务系统,本文提出一种可动态调整服务量的分级复合型新策略,以适应站点负荷非均衡系统。
    To multi-station(multi queue) cyclic service system, this paper advances a grade compound new strategy of a development adjust service quantity to fit the station load unbalance system.

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