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 星子 [xīng zi添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 然而,迈凯恩先生和他的经济顾问团队的一个极好的主意却被人们的唾沫星子给淹没了:将公司的营业税缴税比例从35%降低到25%。
    Lost in this hubbub, however, is a bigger idea that Mr. McCain and his economic team have put forward: a cut in the corporate tax rate, to 25 percent from 35 percent.
  2. 其它在盘状星云中的物质相互碰撞合并,形成小行星尺寸的星体,称为“星子”,一些星子相互结合,形成小行星、彗星、卫星和行星。
    Other particles within the disk collided and stuck together to form asteroid-sized objects named as planetesimals, some of which combined to become the asteroids, comets, moons and planets.
  3. 星子中微量的水造就了宽阔的海洋这一观点也许看起来不切实际 直到人们认识到相对于一颗行星的质量和体积,浩瀚的海洋是多么的渺小。
    The idea that trace amounts of water in planetesimals could give rise to vast oceans may seem far-fetched until one considers how small an ocean can be relative to the size and mass of a planet.

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