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 文化趋同 添加此单词到默认生词本
cultural convergence

  1. 在世界文化趋同的广泛影响下,建筑的地域性问题开始被普遍关注。
    Under the impact of cultural convergence, the regional architecture has been paid close attention universally.
  2. 经济全球化,对民族文化产生了一定的影响,但并不意味着要实现文化趋同,让某种文化一统天下。
    Economic globalization has a certain influence on national culture. But that doesn't mean achieving convergence of culture and a unified world of a certain culture.
  3. 在市场全球化、通讯网络化、法律文化趋同化的今天,模仿、借鉴与移植外来法律文化是势不可当的潮流。
    With the globalization of market, network of communication, convergence of legal culture, there is an irresistible trend to imitating and transplanting legal system from foreign culture.

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