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send troops to punish

  1. 如果他们一旦坚决支持我们,也就同我们一样成了拉丁美洲大张挞伐的对象。
    If they did plump for us, they became as much the target for Latin American obloquy as we were.
  2. 这标志着哈马斯对竞争对手的态度变软。因竞争对手与以色列对话,哈马萨对其横加挞伐
    This marks a softening of Hamas's tone towards its rivals, whom they have often vilified for talking to Israel.
  3. 九个月之后,当飓风卡特里娜和丽塔袭击墨西哥湾沿岸地区,共和党有能力的声名遭到了进一步挞伐
    Nine months later the Republicans' reputation for competence took a further lashing, when Hurricanes Katrina and Rita hit the Gulf Coast.

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