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 大气科学 添加此单词到默认生词本
[气象] atmospheric sciences

  1. 外星大气科学的研究还处于婴儿期。
    The science of exoplanet atmospheres is in its infancy.
  2. 印第安纳大学的教授萨拉普莱尔担任大气科学计划的主席,她领导的团队发表了这个报告。
    The study of decreased wind speeds came from a team led by Sara Pryor, professor and chair of the atmospheric science program at Indiana University.
  3. 伊利诺斯大学的大气科学教授索姆纳特•贝迪亚•罗伊领导的研究组将会在国家科学研究院的会议录上公布研究组的发现。
    Led by University of Illinois professor of atmospheric sciences Somnath Baidya Roy, the research team will publish its findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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