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 大气波 [dà qì bō添加此单词到默认生词本
atmospheric waves
atmospheric wave

  1. 大气动力学领域,主要介绍了非绝热大气低频动力学、湍流的频散效应和大气非线性动等方向的研究进展。
    First, in the field of atmospheric dynamics the developments in dynamics of diabatic waves and low-frequency waves, the dispersive effects of turbulence and nonlinear atmospheric waves are re-viewed.
  2. 喀拉喀托火山在1883年猛烈地爆发,撒布了空前的潮汐(海啸),遍及整个太平洋西南部,大气层充满了灰烬,蔓延到全世界。
    Krakatoa exploded violently in 1883, spreading unparalleled tidal waves (tsunamis) throughout the southwest pacific, and filling the atmosphere with ash that spread through the entire world.
  3. 文摘:利用不同密度分层的盐水模拟稳定层结大气条件,在水槽中成功地模拟了两层大气分层流中二维山脊引起的地形,得到的动图像与线性理论模式结果在定性上基本一致。
    Abstract: The mountain wave induced by a ridge in two-layer stratifiedfliud has been successfully simulated in a tank .The wave pattern is almost the same compared with the linear theory result qualitatively.

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