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 基层人民法院 添加此单词到默认生词本
[法] basic people's court

  1. 三是基层人民法院人事、经费不独立助长了地方保护主义的滋生蔓延。
    Third, the grass-roots court's personnel, independent on founds emergence and spread the local protectionism.
  2. 中国官方的新华通讯社说,星期五的爆炸发生在中国西北的甘肃省民乐县,当地人民法院院长和县委一基层官员在爆炸中丧生。
    The explosion Friday in Minle County in the northwestern province of Gansu killed the president of the county court and a local Communist Party official, the official Xinhua News Agency said.
  3. 由于现行体制对地方各级人民法院因地制宜自定规则的宽容甚至鼓励,加之各地客观情况的差异,基层法院诉讼规则呈现广泛的“地方化”现象。
    Due to the toleration and the encouragement of the current system, local courts are used to setting procedural rules to local conditions, which results in indigenization of procedural rules.

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