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 园林景观 添加此单词到默认生词本
landscape architecture

  1. 在设计里融入一些童年记忆的痕迹,让居住者忆起童年时光,这也是体现居住区园林景观人性化设计的表现。
    It can recall the childhood for the residents and also show the humanized design in the residential landscape to leave some traces of childhood memories in the design.
  2. 一个适合鸟儿的园林景观、一个合适的鸟儿饲喂台,再加上一个鸟儿洗浴盆,就能很快地吸引很多种不同的鸟儿涌入你的花园,这使得你足不出户就能享受观鸟的乐趣。
    A bird-friendly landscape, appropriate bird feeders and a bird bath can quickly attract a diverse flock to your yard, letting you enjoy the birds without needing to leave home.
  3. 园林景观发展的历史在中国已经有几千年,适应现代园林景观研究却只有40多年。
    The development of landscape in China has a history of thousands of years but it has only been 40 years for it to adapt to the modern landscape research.

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