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 商务区 添加此单词到默认生词本
business district

  1. 此外,在2010之前新加坡主要的商务区几乎没有新的办公置业供给,而与此同时来自外面的技术性劳动力涌入使得对于地产产生需求。
    There is also no new office supply due in the prime business district until 2010, while the influx of skilled labour is running at high levels adding to the demand pool for properties.
  2. 在我撰写本文时,眺望窗外,可以看到上海商业区里被华丽的霓虹灯照亮的摩天大楼鳞次栉比,相形之下更对照出几乎所有美国大城市商务区的低迷和萧条。
    As I write, I look out at the garishly neon-lit skyscrapers of downtown Shanghai, which make the business districts of all but the largest American cities seem low-rise and sober by comparison.
  3. 虽然位于北京东部的巨型中央商务区的空置率达到了35%,但官员们仍希望其开发规模能再翻番。
    In eastern Beijing, officials are hoping to double the size of a vast development called the Central Business District, even though its vacancy rate is 35%.

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