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 咽囊 [yān náng添加此单词到默认生词本
[解剖] bursa pharyngea
[脊椎] pharyngealpouch

  1. 结论鼻内窥镜下采用微波治疗慢性咽囊炎具有较好的疗效。
    Conclusion Treatment of chronic pharyngeal bursitis by microwave technique under nasal endoscope is more effect…
  2. 方法对10例患者在鼻内窥镜的导航下,采用微波破坏咽囊内壁进行治疗。
    Methods 10 chronic pharyngeal bursitis patients were treated by destroying the inner pharyngeal cavity with microwave technique under nasal endoscope.
  3. 本研究采用鹌鹑-鸡胚移植法探索咽囊内胚层对中耳听骨发育(诱导/成形)及中耳听骨与内耳整合的作用。
    This research explored the role of pharyngeal pouch endoderm (PPE) to development (induction and patterning ) of chick ossicle and integration of the ossicle and inner ear by quail-chick chimera.

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