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 劳动服装 添加此单词到默认生词本
fatigue dress

  1. 自9月以来,柬埔寨17%的服装行业劳动力,50000名工人,已经下岗。
    In Cambodia 50, 000 garment workers, 17% of the workforce in the industry, have been laid off since September.
  2. 四次调高了纺织、服装劳动密集型产品、附加值和技术含量较高产品的出口退税率。
    We increased export rebate rates for textiles, garments and other labor-intensive products, as well as high value added products with high technology content four times.
  3. ――需自备洗漱用品、毛巾、水杯、拖鞋、雨具、蚊帐等生活用品以及适宜劳动服装、鞋、手套等。
    Please prepare your own necessities, including towel, tooth brush, slippers, rain wears, mosquito net, appropriate dress for farming labor, and so on.

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