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 劳动收入 添加此单词到默认生词本
[劳经] labour income
income from work

  1. 研究说,我们或许认为高收入家庭的劳动收入会比低收入家庭更不容易遭受剧烈波动,但实际上情况正好相反。
    'One might expect that the labor income of higher-end households is more insulated from aggregate fluctuations than that of low-income households, but it in fact is more exposed, ' the study says.
  2. 两地居民的劳动收入几乎是相同的。
    Earned income was about the same for average residents of the two places.
  3. 他们希望削减所得税率。 将非劳动收入税率从高于劳动收入的70%降到50%。
    They want to include a reduction of the income tax rate on unearned income from 70 per cent to the 50 per cent top rate on earned income.

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