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 分布带 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 祁连山东部北坡根据气候、土壤、地貌等因素,分为6个垂直分布带:高山寒漠草甸、高山草甸、高山灌丛草甸、山地森林草原、山地草原和山地荒漠草原,有交替分布的地段。
    The north slope on the east part of Qilian Mountains was separated into 6 vertical distribution zones: alpine cold desert meadow、alpine meadow、alpine bush meadow、mountain forest grassland、mountain grassland、and mountain desert grassland, there are also some areas of alternative distribution.
  2. 东营凹陷断裂构造发育,在北坡、南坡和中央隆起发育较多断至沙三中亚段、沙四段的大断层,它们有利于油气向上运移,同时也为深部高矿化度地层水的向上运移提供了通道,因此这些大的构造断裂附近的储层是有利的低电阻率油层分布带
    In Dongying Depression rupture structural zone, there are many large faults extending to the middle members of Es3 or Es4 in the northern slope, southern slope and middle uplift belt, they are in favor of upward hydrocarbon migration, at the same time offer upward channels for the beneath high salinity formation water, therefore low-resistivity pays mostly distribute over vicinal reservoirs of these large structural faults.
  3. 生长带分布在偏离晶体中心的曲面内。
    The growth bands are situated in a curved plane deflected to the center of the specimen.

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