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 农场经营 添加此单词到默认生词本
farm management

  1. 轮作耕种是许多热带国家常见的农场经营方式。
    Shifting cultivation is a common type of farming in many tropical countries.
  2. 这种作物的培育运用了“植物遗传学”,将在未来的农场经营中越来越普遍。
    This sort of breeding, using "plant genetics", is going to become more and more common in farming in the future.
  3. 层架式鸡笼养鸡就是集约化农场经营的一个例子:农场主们管理动物和庄稼,以得到最大产出。
    Battery hens are an example of intensive farming: farmers organize their animals and crops to get the maximum food from them.

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