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 公司股份 添加此单词到默认生词本
share in a company
[金融] corporate stock

  1. 企业员工的平均年龄只有31岁,但远近闻名,因为他们工作时间很长,以此提升他们所持的公司股份的价值。 而华为也被评为中国最佳雇主之一。
    Employees, whose average age is just 31, are known for working long hours to increase the value of their stake in the company, which is ranked as one of China's best employers.
  2. 通过驳倒一系列的议案,包括对例如电信公司泰利亚和国家邮政服务的公司股份的出售,该党浸浴在并不全怀着敌意的媒体关注之下。
    By blocking a number of bills, including the sale of shares in companies such as TeliaSonera, a telecoms firm, and the national postal service, it has basked in media attention, not all of it hostile.
  3. 董事会成员可以持有公司股份,也可以不持有股份
    The directors might or might not hold shares in the corporations.

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