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 公司管理 [gōng sī guǎn lǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
company management
corporate governance
corporate management

  1. 我们的解救办法关键在于公司管理者的智慧,他们知道咖啡对产量的重要性。
    Our salvation lies in the wisdom of the business administrator who knows what coffee does for production.
  2. 他说,“公司管理的失败也是内部审计的失败,因为它意味着内审没能发现这些异常。”
    " He says, "Corporate management failures are also internal audit failures, because they mean that internal audit failed to detect anomalies.
  3. 公司社会责任理论则要求公司管理者在为股东谋取经济利益的同时兼顾社会公众利益。
    Therefore, the manager should think of the public benefits demanded by the theory of the social responsibility of the company.

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