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 公司税法 添加此单词到默认生词本
[税收] corporation tax law

  1. 这些变革可以包括土地使用权、公司税法、信贷和银行体制的改革。
    These changes might include such diverse activities as the reform of land tenure, corporate tax , credit , and banking structures.
  2. 自从公司税法改变以来,我们公司一直生意兴隆。
    Since the change in the regulations about corporation tax, our company has been going great guns.
  3. 由此结算出的税率中包含公司所得税法修改引起的一次性效应以及过去几年的税收负担。
    The resulting marginal tax rate reflects unique events resulting from a change in German Corporation Tax Law and the tax burden of the previous years.

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