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 公司注册手续 添加此单词到默认生词本
incorporation procedure

  1. 21岁的霍白毅目前就读于南京工程学院社会工作专业。2012年初,他成立了一家传媒公司,同年三月他开始办理注册手续
    Huo Baiyi, 21, is a social work major at Nanjing Institute of Technology. He set up a media company in early 2012 and started the registration process in March.
  2. 私人募集是指公司向私人投资者发售公司股份,其注册手续没有公开发行股票所要求的那么冗长。
    Private stock offering is a reference to the sale of corporate shares to individual investors without the lengthy registration process required for public offerings.
  3. 通过豁免注册手续,144a条例显著提高了美国机构投资者买入外国公司证券的机会。
    Institutional investors to buy in the securities of foreign companies through the exemption of registration procedures.

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