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 公司治理结构 添加此单词到默认生词本
corporate governance structure

  1. 公司治理结构在当代的发展趋势之一是利益相关者共同参与公司治理
    One of the development tendency of corporate governance in modern time is that stakeholders jointly participate corporate governance.
  2. 摘要商业银行的公司治理结构影响银行的经营行为,影响商业银行的绩效。
    The corporate governance of commercial bank affects the operation of commercial bank and the performance of the bank.
  3. 因此,改革和完善公司治理结构、会计制度、审计制度是规范上市公司股利分配政策的关键。
    Therefore, reforming and perfecting corporate governing structure, accounting system and auditing system is the key to regulating their dividend distribution policy.

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