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 被动探测 [bèi dòng tàn cè添加此单词到默认生词本
[军] passive detection

  1. 基于主动、被动探测攻击目标并分析其数据报的网络特征值,可以得出攻击目标的操作系统类型等重要信息,进而得出与之相关的系统漏洞,为入侵和攻击提供重要依据。
    By analyzing the networking character values actively and passively, attacker can get a lot of information about target host, such as the type of operating system.
  2. 目前,毫米波被动探测技术在反装甲导弹和末敏弹的制导中起着重要作用。
    Currently, passive detection techniques with the Millimeter Wave (MMW) radiometer play important role in homing guidance of anti-armour missile and end-sensing-cartridge.
  3. 在强噪声干扰环境中,将邻近2~ 3部受干扰的陆基雷达,从主动探测转入被动探测工作,利用干扰信号对空中干扰平台进行无源定位是可能的。
    In strong noisy jamming environment, it is possible for 2~3 neighbor jammed radars to change its work mode from active detection to passive detection, and to locate noisy source in the air.

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