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 翻译腔 [fān yì qiāng添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 这句翻译腔比较重。 当年二月份,布什总统也介入了该案,他也许是为了加强自己对初等法院的影响力,也可能是为了讨好墨西哥人,不论处于什么目的,他的介入都使这一案件变得更为复杂。
    That February Mr Bush complicated matters by getting involved, possibly to strengthen his hand against lower courts, or to please the Mexicans.
  2. 表意贴切,准确,行文流畅,符合中文特性,尽量避免翻译腔
    Ideographic appropriate, accurate and fluent style of writing, in line with Chinese characteristics, as far as possible to avoid the translation of cavity.
  3. 汉英翻译应在达意的基础上注意同构成分的省略,省略冠词、代词是减少“翻译腔”的主要措施。
    In translation, attention should be paid to the omission of the same structure, the omission of article and pronoun. This kind of omission is an important measurement of reducing translationese.

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