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 现金业务 添加此单词到默认生词本
monetary transaction

  1. 你是说这样一来我们就可以对现金业务有双重记录了。
    So you mean that we can have a double record of cash transactions.
  2. 一个总统授意成立的“援助自由古巴委员会”提议,增加对古巴持不同政见者的援助,给在古亲属邮汇现金业务的限制则更严格了。
    A presidential “Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba” proposed increasing aid to the dissidents while imposing tight limits on cash remittances to relatives on the island.
  3. 如果你是第一次创业,没有遇到过缺乏重复业务现金流不畅、定单跟踪或者交货系统不完善等问题,那么你尤其需要一个顾问。
    This is particularly true if you're a first-time entrepreneur who has never coped with problems like weak repeat business, poor cash flow, flawed order tracking or fulfillment systems.

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