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 服务性工作 [fú wù xìng gōng zuò添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 在欧美,过去15年新增的许多职位都是低技能的服务性工作
    At home, many of the new jobs created in the past 15 years are low-skilled service work.
  2. 奥巴马应该将改善服务性工作作为修补美国破损就业机器的下一步,而不是仅将精力放在培训工人、使其胜任薪资更高的工作上。
    Instead of just focusing on training to push some into higher paid work, Mr Obama should make upgrading service jobs the next step in repairing America’s broken job machine.
  3. 幸运的是,许多服务性工作都不容易受离岸外包或自动化的影响:我们需要人来照看孩子与年老的父母、剪头发、煮拿铁咖啡。
    Thankfully much service work is not vulnerable to offshoring or automation: we need humans to care for our children and ageing parents, to cut our hair and steam our lattes.

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