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 月经失调 添加此单词到默认生词本
menstrual disorder
[妇产] menoxenia

  1. 你会出现睡眠质量变差,情绪波动,智力下降甚至月经失调等问题。
    You can have problems from poor sleep, mood changes, decreased brain power and even disruption of the menstrual cycle.
  2. 炔雌醇甲醚片是得到美国FDA认可的治疗月经失调的一种药物,但它同时也带来一个副作用:其中的合成的黄体酮和雌性激素会抑制排卵。
    Enovid, a drug the FDA approves for menstrual disorders, comes with a warning: The mixture of synthetic progesterone and estrogen also prevents ovulation.
  3. 研究女运动员因高强度长时间大运动量训练引起的继发性、功能性和可逆性月经失调发生率增高的原因并探讨其发生机制。
    The increase rate of the continual, functional and reversible menstrual disorder are caused by high intensity and long time exercise and its happening mechanism are discussed.

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