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 外贸经营权 添加此单词到默认生词本
power to engage in foreign trade

  1. 投资者并购省内产品出口国有企业,可优先赋予外贸经营权
    For merger and acquisition of SOEs, the investors shall be given priority to operating right for foreign trade.
  2. 越来越多的私营企业的加入是现在申报外贸经营权的一个新气象。
    More and more private enterprises have registered for foreign trade rights, which is a good sign for the province.
  3. 中国出口商品的经营是由外贸部门统一管理的。中国的外贸管理机构从来没有批准过劳改部门有外贸经营权
    China's foreign trade departments, which handle the export of Chinese commodities in a unified way, have never granted foreign trade rights to reform-through-labor institutions.

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